Matticus Mafia Day 1

Vote Count

Player Lynches
bazingaboy Jenanda_Bollywood
gwez Klaze
KrazyKat ian
kyle Klaze
magicmagininja Kyle
jones klaze
Friend klaze
Roragok ian
Nyte kyle
ian faz
Klaze kyle
faZ Klaze
Jenanda_Bollywood ian
murs kyle
slowdive kyle

Not Voting



ALSO: calling people morons doesn't count as defending yourself

No they don't. I don't think you are making logical arguments against faZ. Maybe you should stop posting as well for a bit.

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this game got more retarded

Literally found myself coming to the same conclusion. And I don't think I have ever agreed with faZ.

Doesn't it though

Yes they do. Read it again.

care to elaborate on me being scum

Im still eagerly waiting on klaze's read list

okay so we got 13 more hours of today to go

I really really hate this post. My scumdar is high right meow

how is this a good idea this is way too long

Let's have a race to see who can get to post 2000 first

I just figured out when EOD is, which is 3am eastern. I never said it was a good idea?

I don't like how klaze pushed ian all day and never voted him

I also don't think it's consistent with what you were saying at the start of the game about lynching afkers to be now deciding between 2 highly active scum reads (kyle and faz) when you could be lynching an inactive one

no i meant it just sucks, not ur fault

I said I wanted to do it if people joined me. It's not going to happen by the looks of it so I don't see what me solo-voting Murs will do

Seems you totally missed the idea of my post

I was mostly leaning town on klaze until he started deflecting to Ian lynched. Especially how he jumps in on magic about it when magic and faZ are talking about Kyle.