Matticus Mafia Day 1

klaze was pushing his SK read instead of mafia reads. I wonder why. maybe because HE IS MAFIA?

Pretty sure kyle isn't scum at this point. Either SK or town.

Alexa, this is so sad. Try and fail to hammer klaze

  • ian ianberger, the not town

Yes you're right.

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The boy is asking to be lynched

Well between the two of you you're both scummy as shit so whatever

This really, really reads like a woman wrote it

@mafiabot vc

Vote Count

Player Lynches
bazingaboy Jenanda_Bollywood
gwez Klaze
KrazyKat ian
kyle Klaze
magicmagininja Kyle
jones klaze
Friend klaze
Roragok Klaze
Nyte kyle
ian klaze
Klaze ian
faZ Klaze
Jenanda_Bollywood ian
murs kyle
slowdive kyle

Not Voting


@mafiabot vote @magicmagininja

Sure is going to be a lot of -2 getters this game

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Will you agree to self vote tomorrow if I'm town?

i will bathe in the -2.

I have been emulating nyte's play ever since she took the crown of best mafia player (playeress?) several months ago

Yeah sure

you are playing nothing like nyte...I would say 180 degrees opposite if anything.

It's a joke idiot

Fucking dumb moron

Klaze can we vote someone who isn't you but who also isn't me

Jones has some algo related to the votecounts or thinks he gets points in ratings as long as his vote was on the right person at some point during the day