Matticus Mafia Day 2

@mafiabot lynch kyle

does kyle even do anything? Like last i remember he didn't, he hsould defo be Extremely Online here.

kyle is my only townread left. if the game keeps going the way it has been he should be dead either during the day by getting zeused or mafia will kill him tonight

Guess I'm back to Ian.

@mafiabot lynch ian

I slightly regret lynching @sdadasdas I just wanted the day to be over tbh.

But let's focus in the now.

I need to get more opinions. Gonna try isoing gwez and I don't have a good feel on him and think he might not be town.

how is he a townread? He shitposted all day 1, except for like 4/15 when he didn't post at all after posting excessively. Its a weird feel.

his lack of thread presence is alarming

magic what are your reads on the rest of the players?

I think youre town, ians cool, roras cool. Not sure about gwez. Think kyle is scum. Murs probs town.

Working on something rn, will post more comprehensive reads later

if you can add a sentence or preferably 3 per each read and why you think they are alignment you think they are that would be great

i don't like gwez. I think his posts are generic or lack substance. He seems to being saying town things but nothing specific or actually important.

@mafiabot lynch gwez

you people really need to start fucking posting

2000 post day 1 and kyle is my best fucking townread????????????????????????????

the rest are like huh yea maybe he is town

let me correct myself, dont just post. post your reads with explanations as to why you think what you think

gwez - scumlean. Posts stuff but nothing substantive.
KrazyKat - needs to post more
kyle - where did he go? Scum ofc
magicmagininja - town, ofc
Friend - needs to post more
Roragok - town. feels just right. Not posting much but all his posts mean something.
Nyte - Hard town.
ian - town. pushed jebanda goabno all day, seems sketchy to do as mafia and 1/10 chance for Sk leaves pretty good odds.
faZ - dubious, maybe this is just how you play, i don't remember exactly but you feel off. Kyle apologetics are weird.
murs - townlean, but could be anything.

since i'm town i have to defend myself here:

i'm moderately tilted because my picture of the game from d1 did not remotely pan out. i kind of want to be put out of my misery but since i don't want to throw the game that's not an option

my lack of good reads is why my posts don't seem substantial. if anything i'd have more direction and confidence as scum because i would know who i want dead.

since everything is up in the air right now, i'm concerned about the possibility of faz being scum. i'd much rather think he's town.

i lean town on kyle even though a lot of his posting d1 was scummy. i started to lean in his favor when he was pushing jenanda and i agreed with his assessment (i noted this in the thread at the time). if he is town i think he is the most likely to be pushed by mafia (besides me)
we really need to hear from him @anon82208883

ian's play has felt off to me since d1. i think the case for him being SK is the strongest but the jenanda/ian bussing theory is also plausible

i think roragok is town, although he has been very inactive

kkat speaks for himself. he hasn't posted shit. no clue.

ironically murs new player status protects him because it justifies his low activity and makes him difficult to read (which is why i was asking faz, a more experienced player, if he sees telltale signs of an inexperienced scum in his play)

i think ninja could really be scum. he's maintaining a presence in the thread but not committing much to anything.

i find friend pretty lynchable but i do not have a strong read on him. similar to ninja but even less certain.

dunno what to say about nyte. i'm inclined to believe her bg claim but she hasn't put out much of substance.

murs is pretty great dota player so he is somewhat intelligent new or not.

what's your read on friend bwez?

will iso and get back to you

easy iso to read because he hasn't posted much. that said his posting seems pretty genuine to me. i'm leaning town on nyte for the same reason.