Matticus Mafia Day 3

nvm i redact that opened the thread.

I'm not gonna get angry but I have a lot of reason to be when you're even considering that

Yesterday's flip was forced by me

The other mafia flip was only pushed by me, and I pushed him almost all of day 1 trying to get a Lynch

Going to bed now I'd suggest you reevaluate

Like I'm probably not even gonna try at this point, if you really think I'm scum after how I've played this game there's nothing I can do

i believe there's a 0% chance that ian is mafia looking at vote results

i do think that he is a good candidate for SK since jenanda was killed by SK and he was trying to lynch klaze and ian

ian for me is 50/50 town or SK


found this while raiding ian's underwear drawer

prob doesn't mean anything

Still reading but I want to point out that stalker is just a role cop.

i have been wrong about literally everything this game. i can't wait to analyze the post-mortem and see what i can learn from it.

thank you based roragok for saving this game

@KrazyKat gl clearing yourself because I think today is the day to finish off mafia and ur looking like the top lynch

To be honest I missed end of day and I was going to change my lynch back to faz, even if it wasn't a tie vote. but that still doesn't change my suspicions on gwez.

you tryin to counterclaim roragok?

Damn I missed that. I have to think.

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You're continuing the shitting on the game thing by thanking him

Mislynching the only guy alive who's been consistently playing protown in lylo is not Based

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what are you referring to here

i have been wrong about literally everything this game

thank you based roragok for saving this game (as he's lynching into the loss directly after claiming)


so you are saying krazykat is consistently pro-town, correct?

He is voting me

missed that.

It's just kinda demotivating to pull that off yesterday and get voted immediately by a confirmed town who's been completely inactive

understandable. but we've got 24 hours.

anyway i never said i was sheeping him, only that i'm glad he claimed and glad he cleared me (because i probably would have been an easy mislynch with my play thus far)

i definitely hope he comes back and explains why he is lynching you because i think kkat/friend (especially kkat) are much better options.

it also remains a fact that you still stand a non-trivial chance of being serial killer and your pro-town scumhunting in no way refutes that possibility.