Merry Christmas

Damn it’s legal to make u work on Christmas day in California?

I thought u guys were labor-friendly

yeah my job never closes dude

Merry Christmas

why would anyone believe anything in LXX

merry christmas @Derumination i hope u hit on a cousin

Did u no Santa is a turk?


I’m looking at this thumb nail and I’m very confused. But I’ll take a chance and watch it.


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Happy Hallmark day #1

My first Arcana for XmasPersonal (self.DotA2)

submitted 4 hours ago by lIIumiNate

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I asked for a steam GC in my stocking so I can pick out my first cosmetic Arcana. I have chosen to go with Juggernauts Arcana. I’m new to the game and look forward to getting some time in later today. Xmas blessings to all you guys!




Jcrispy moment

90 days

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Looking forward to this. Going on a Cruise with my coworler from work and his grandmother and girlfriend and her mom and his best friend