Music thread

i thought my bloody valentine would play louder honestly but maybe its my hearing damage already kicking in. i am pretty young though

fuckin hell what a body massage that was

RIP abercrombie soundtrack artist

cocteau twins are the best

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love bladee

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who here real sadboy hrs

where did you go ooooo i dont wanna know

my guilty pleasure is twee pop. some of the saddest writing with great happy melodies :sob:


There’s a sign on the PA turnpike, says "Your sin will find you out, "well, that’s fine, it’s about damn time! //
I’ll drive my car off the road, I’ll pray that the tank explodes! The impact will snap my bones and I’ll plunge headfirst toward the unknown

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Whilst Sophie’s Obnoxious Production licks would be enough to infuriate even the most patience of listeners; her real crime comes from her appeal as a “personality entity” rather than her music; conceptualising the most Base of art forms (pop art) into music in a boring way has made her the figurehead of so called experimental listeners; So Eager to be on the new wave that they will call Distorted Snares the next pop wave which is completely delusional and a sign of their terrible social inabilities. Sophie’s Main and Core Fanbase comes from showing her to your friends and having them go : O_O you listen to this?! you’re some kind of musical genius! (However this is not the case as your poor taste in music and judging the vibe of a room leads everyone to Become Largely irritated that you have Infected the room ‘Stratosphere’ (so to speak) with shit. Sophie is truly the most Base of musicians and he will never be the sound of pop as he rides on the coat tails of unintellectual and unobjective music listeners.

She has also become a magnet for biased reviewers so eager to praise any transvestite musician that They will give garbage and trash a perfect score due to their failure to remove personality traits from their reviews. An example of this is the tiny mix tapes review which i shall post:

Does this look like a Reviewer that listens to Sophie for her chuckles music?

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