NADotA Caucus: Rd 4

i dunno the total but I saw like 90% for registered dems and like 40% for GOP so that in theory bodes well for dems in midterms. But GOP usually vote more in midterms. Anyway my prediction is dems take majority in the House as the opposition party historically does but not by a huge margin. I think just how the map is they won’t take the senate

man why is Betsy DeVos's brother getting graft for ■■■■■■■■ private mercenaries

this has nothing to do w the tweet but sarah kendzior lives in my city and me and my brother fucking hate her

she def. seems born rich or w/e

has the arch in her pic but i’m sure she lives in fucking chesterfield or st charles lmao

yeah she had a sad neolib meltdown after hillary lost and defends our democratic senator from here who is basically universally hated in stl

idk im pretty much the same way when it comes to illinois democrat machine politics

My district rep came to my door the other day, I was in underwear and we had a nice ten minute chat. I regret being nice though cuz now I’m getting texts from random people telling me my voice matters

shes a hot mom


@a2pas i actually have some good local politicians, spent the night in jail with our district 78 rep (downtown arch district) after a demonstration. very interesting and smart guy. i think he's the only black representative in the whole state, and he has face tattoos ROFL. i can imagine him speaking in the chamber with a bunch of dudes who look like this

My rep is a vanilla dem Pete Aguilar. A better dem always runs vs him but he never finds much success because we have top 2 primaries. Too much of this district are down ballot republican voters. He cant get the #2 spot.

Republican candidate might unseat Pete though. Its definitely Trumpian around here

Kaisar gunna fuck em all up one day and overturn citizens united insha’allah

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I don’t vote because it’s useless when I live in LA

its not. we vote on more than presidents

I refuse to vote for any socialists

maybe one day I’ll vote for the mayor of Beverly Hills

But only if he bans anime

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This is actually a quite good & insightful video

I was going to post something about how she (and outsiders who talk about incels in general) gets taken in by some of the more ironic/edgy stuff and then post her jordan perterson video

But then I watched the second half and I have to say she did a remarkably good job understanding, empathizing with, and not just shitting on these people, and she added things to the conversation that I hadn’t thought about before, including the LGBT stuff, the delusion and internet self-harm or whatever it was called, etc.

all around quite good, thanks for sharing.