NADotA Caucus: Rd 4

Dont know who that is but a quick google search tells me all I need to know

which is my justification for this shitpost in this thread


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kek! politics memes!

How do communists plan to fight organizes crime

organize more crime

Worst case scenario is sea levels rise a bit, climate zones get generally warmer (fertile zones move north). Maybe more frequent storms in the tropics.

I don’t really care if people in Florida are forced to move.

I’d rather focus on cleaning up the garbage in the ocean tbh

Anybody that doesn’t want climate change is an idiot who actually likes the cold?

Would u rather live in antartica or Bermuda

neoliberalism isnt left wing


new narrative:

donald trump wins the next election because “liberal” media is financially dependent on him being the president.

india wins the birthrate war, far-right hindus stink out and bomb pakistan, nuclear war fallout ruins southeast asia and the PRD, america strong

define weeb

china disproved the private sector uber alles thought most americans jerk off to.