NADotA Caucus: Rd 4

Phone dying. I’ll give you my po box at a later time and I’ll legit read the box if you send it.

IIRC there were only like 3 pages that you really needed to read so maybe I can curate this for u

Gnash is such a fucking faggot

Pictured: what living in L.A. does to you

When you multi-account do you need to create an email for each one

Do you need to validate the email


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Guess im not making a new account today

Fix ur site daniel do u care about increasing the user count or not

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Just put periods in your gmail xd

wow nice did you get that from r/libtarded

most of what i repost is hand farmed by 4chan regulars from other friend groups

im just glad i have good reasons not to browse the site myself for shit, there are so many bad threads.


American political agenda

Black man shot by police ->

White man shoot up school ->

Orange man wants to build wall ->

rinse repeat

The whole agenda is fixed on color schemes like a kindergarten activity class

Daily convo

“Hey! Dude, did you hear that black man shot by police?”

“On no, that’s bad. Did you hear that orange man wants build wal”

All at once

“Shit, Fuck!”

Thanks turk

Turkish political agenda:

“Hey man did you hear Allah does not want women driving because the vibrations will cause them orgasms”

“No man I dont think thats true”

*Murders you*

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nuzzles you from the back and triggers bomb vest

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