NADotA Caucus: Rd 4

it’s really hilarious how you can make remarks about political occurences 20 thousand kilometers away from you while you deliberate for 45 minutes in the shower what kind of kimchi youre going to eat today

Im Not Too Shy To Show I Love You I Got No Regrets

So Baby Whenever Youre Ready

is this the turk ataturk envisioned when he fought for your freedom? snarky posts? hm?

He’s right tho… Americant’s are the worst!


waiting on my reperations from turkey

Agreed. waiting on my reperations from turkey lol


actually if turks could khashoggi everyone in the bilzerian family if u know what i mean

actually Fischer will probably be remembered by a lot more people than Hitler when people start realizing that Jews have exploited the Western banking and medical systems, e.g. routine infant circumcision being implemented in American healthcare since the 60’s providing not only material for stem cell research but the funding, when more people in the world realize the exploits of Jews in today’s world Bobby Fischer will be synonymous with Jesus Christ.

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Youtube comments sections under obscure Bobby Fischer match analysis videos are SO good

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Bitch does her eyebrows like Maleficent - he really should have known what he was in for

he beat her while she was pregnant

Allegedly - according to the woman trying to divorce him (biased source much?)

And she doesn’t include anything about what she might have done to evoke that sort of response

Shut the fuck up

Typical extreme left - totally unwilling to weigh conflicting views.