NADotA Caucus: Rd 4

wow i f*ckin love going to ohare…its a deal

well go to Beaudevin, wear something cute

what conferences do you go to casey

Be careful I’ve heard casey doesnt shake hands


hes not vaccinated

@casey’s a bulldog and a teddybear in 1…make it past that rough exterior and he’s the fuzziest cuddlebud around

what kind of conferences are you fucking faggots talking about anyway?

if you think i go to programming conferences you’re sorely mistaken. that shit is for liberals and queers


Casey do you work for blackwater

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No, like the big government contractor conferences that are mostly for networking and drinking

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Fraternizing with colonels that talk about beating their wives and how broken their dick is after the gulf war


That's how you bring in the money :smile:

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“Software development” conferences for people in “software development” roles

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If you talk to more than 2 people over the course of your day you aren’t a software developer

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Real developers work in linux and eat lunches packed by their mom

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They aren’t software development conferences. They’re basically big BD events that every company brings an engineer or two to

An “engineer”

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If you don’t wear cargo shorts and belittle women you aren’t in tech

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Isn't this a country club

I'm one of the worst offenders of tweet screenshots on this site


i think we need a new ted k to send bombas to contractor conventinos
