NADotA Caucus: Rd 4

they already are if they’re subsidizing his cream pies

Is there any proof that he is actually creampie-ing? For all we know he is wasting Japanese tax payer’s hard earned money.

exactly. pics required @huber

He should have to report to the local government how many cream pies he’s giving in a week to make sure they’re not wasting their money

on the contrary he lives in japan and should probably give as many cream pies as possible

white piggu take nippon girls? white piggu go home!!

i was thinking we may need some kind of government oversight agency for this.

I would show pics of me and my gf to those of you who are not weirdos

Nevermind I misunderstood you aint seeing /those/ pics

the japanese government is fucker, i’m calling abe on the phone as we speak

I’m not a weirdo and I want to know what you look like, pm me

I’m down to see one of your loads but that’s about it

Let me see you and the gf Huber chan



the list of not weirdos is really short. Struggling to think of any non weirdo besides grimelines atm



weirdo here