if they are not mentally ready to have kids, then they admit they are mentally unable to understand consenquences of their actions, and thus are not mentally ready for the reality of abortion.
people can always find ways to raise kids, they are just too lazy to figure it out because its harder to raise a kid than it is to obliterate them from existance and people always want the easiest way out of their consenquences.
our society dont need more birthing period dude. i dont care about these hoops youre jumpin thru and im not gonna fault people for wanting the option to abort because there doesnt need to be more shitty parents out tehre
Finally you reveal your true motives. It's not about saving lives (albeit ones that aren't even cognitively developed enough to form memories yet).
It's about punishing mothers and deadbeat dads with the burden of carrying some fuck-face like you through an 18 year gestation period that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars.
No wonder your dad used to beat you. He realized he should have aborted you, but by the time he realized what kind of person you would become it was too late and hitting you is the next best thing.
How is that my true motives? I am saying abortion is morally wrong because we're destroying life. We are playing a eugenics game where we believe that a pregnant mother might never be good enough to raise her kids and thus she should have access to destroying her kids before they exist. Its no wonder planned parent hood was originally intended to abort black children, we havent learned and we are still playing into the same game.
Second yes carrying your child through life is a consequence of having unprotected sex. Consequences are not always bad, but we assume its a negative thing to raise a kid. Someone who wants to kill their child inside the womb is obviously oblivious to the reality of life that every action has a result. And they wish to seek to ALWAYS ACT and never have consequences, you just assume that children are such a negative thing that cost money, wow, life cost money, grow up.
Children are not a punishment at all, they are a consequence but the beauty is no matter what single mothers love their kids, you guys just hate life when you love (as ya do) abortion and you reveal how terrible you think raising children is, it is sad you projected that on me.
and yes if you abort your child you made a mistake, and you should always face your mistakes as it makes you stronger. A lot of parents who have aborted in the past are filled with regret and pain, but i am sure they can become better from it.
Smh congrats on being so afraid of people who think like me that you removed your self from the breeding pool. Thats incredible that you think your genes are capable of producing a man like me. But now you'll never find out or even be able to create someone who isnt like me, all because you were afraid of people like me. You've done yourself and your family, no good service.
Not a good reason to remove yourself from the gene pool. You are a sad soul when you think not breeding can bring anything good. I hope you change your mind and get yourself a nice wife to raise some kids. I'm certain you wont have them end up like me.