see #519
Except that his have ended up codified as legal now, while those were massive, underground operations that maybe could’ve been shut down in court
a stray bolt of lightning impacts a baby, giving it supernatural powers
There is no question of better or worse. I’m saying he was a warmonger and your effort to claim liberals are/were the party of peace erases their history
literal joe biden + barry obama meme posters in this thread
It’s not a conspiracy theory. Many US citizens (like Ronni Moffit) were killed by the US government or by US-supported right-wing elements
Ah yes, others were worse warmongers, so that makes Obama okay. Great fucking argument
There is no right or wrong
you seem to be forgetting obama’s biggest trangression: not campaigning hard enough for hillary clinton
I think liberals are/were a party of peace in the sense that “true liberals” are considered to be anti-war and often anti-war speakers happen to be liberals
like the entire argument for anti-war stuff on the other side of the aisle is budgetary - which isn’t untrue but you can see the moral line i am drawing here
One that moved us away from neoliberal fiction is 1000x better than any other president’s foreign policy thus far (or since 1940 at least)
How the fuck did Obama move us away from neoliberalism at all?
I read George Foreman’s 1942 and it’s very clear what a surveillance state has threats for all men
I also think that warmongers/corporatists masquerading as liberals are a betrayal of liberalism as a whole and a major reason for the sinking ship that is the democratic party
Haha. True.
The iran deal
there’s also the fact that hillary eats small children’s toes that makes obama objectively a better person but it seems like people mostly like to forget about that
the third way is dead yes
That isn’t a movement away from neoliberalism at all. Do you even know what neoliberalism is?
Do you?