NADotA Caucus: Rd 4

sounds like something that definitely isnt more important than this

There’s quite a few people I feel like need to be made a public example of

Anyone here in particular?

if u can do it urself by all means go for it

It’s not ruining his life. He still gets to keep his lifetime appointment on an appeals court. He just doesn’t get to be SCOTUS. Big fucking difference

id consider having to sit through this shit a life ruining experience

Well, based on his testimony, it almost certainly seems like he is

i consider having to read this thread a life ruining experience

He’s a judge. His conduct amidst the allegations is him ruining his own life.

He could’ve consented to an FBI investigation behind closed doors. He could’ve withdrawn his nom. He didn’t. He chose this

lmao i dont… enjoy your bourgeoise politics

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Thanks, enjoy your soyboy assemblies.

soyboys? :rofl:

This all has to be fixable. We need to ask more questions about the process and the foundational core of our systems. There’s yet to be a democracy that was uncorruptable. The founding fathers’ didn’t write the Constitution and Bill of Rights and claim they were done. They claimed the opposite. So why do we seem to done besides a handful of amendments produced over hundreds of years? Is it BECAUSE of the corruptibility and how it favors those already in positions of power? Hm.


Kapten rob don’t bother. There is no humanity left among these politards.

Shut up retard

Their entire life is just “MY party is the party of GOOD THINGS and can do no wrong.”

It doesn’t cross their minds to apply critical thinking skills or moral reasoning to any of this.

Politics as a whole and political discussion in general just attracts bottom of the barrel humans

Can’t really blame them it’s largely an issue of media in the US