NADotA Caucus: Rd 4

Fuck you!

Nice try. I don’t disclose any personal information about people

Div is funnier than wintermute and cleverer

Hey guys

Indeed. As do I not give out personally identifiable information on public forums. My mates though, they know me. And one me mates you aren’t.

Take a stab at it in pm’s

Thought I used to make up a LOT of shit

None of it’s made up lol

Just fuck off honestly


Why are you so hostile man

Pee pee green frog

Warning: I have requested the desktop site

I know who I’m interacting with and I know when I’m right

I shared a lot of serious and genuine stuff in this thread and I don’t need some lowlife dingleberry coming in here and invalidating it with snide comments

There’s a time and place for roleplay and this isn’t it.

Why not just talk to real life friends about serious issues?

Can you clarify what you’re suggesting

Good question

You said that you shared a lot of serious and genuine stuff in this thread and I’m saying why not just talk about it with your real life friends instead of strangers that don’t really like you?

Indeed. Adding no value with my heavily researched inputs.