He totally fucked those women and they were asking for it
libtards cant handle the CHAD judge
God it’s always a mess with judge nominations… Also Hannity always makes me smile, God bless his soul.
Its actually a pretty tame process normally, MUCH about this one in particular been atypical even if we don’t consider the rape stuff
I mean there was a big hullabaloo when they blocked Obama from getting a third justice during his term.
I mean Barack Hussein Obama
That’s related to this. They already knew of the subversion to the election process was going to take place and likely get them the payout. It’s memes all the way down
Steal my video?
his fucking stance and face before he does it is priceless lmaooooo
I hope the internet gets hold of his court hearing in the future so we can hear how the “I meant to kick her phone” defense holds up
lmfao holy shit
Never forgot, never forget
I never forgot? Did you?!
this video is so funny it’s just perfect. His mannerisms, the kick, the internet tier argument they’re having
thumbs up, thumbs down
winds up naruto style
that’s what i picture ewiz mannerisms like irl