NADotA Caucus: Rd 4

If anybody else needed further proof that this guy is pathetic and annoying

Like a little gnat

Shut up, retard   

Ventrua sounds like a great guy. Can you hook us up?

I already invited you to my discord

Ventrua even got the same IQ test result

I actually would prefer to have ewiz in my politics thread and asoul out of it but alas

Ewiz isn’t contributing anything and has nothing to contribute to anything because he’s dumb as rocks

Shut up, retard

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Are black people on average intellectually inferior to their white male counterpart?

I know the answer but do you?

NOTE: The case for black female vs white female is already settled.

On average, yeah

2% of black women voted for trump

white women were like 40%


So why is LBJ a mafia mod?

Good question. However white males are on average inferior to asian males, which should make me the only eligible mod.

What the fuck is this averages comparison trying to accomplish

I voted for Trump?

They Are Doing a racism :jacobkek: :jacobkek:

Yeah and you’re a complete retard so
