Yns with another 15lbs would easily be the most attractive dude here but unfortunately he isn’t so :(
Imagine claiming to be a gay man on the internet for some fake points rofl
tfw ur a manipulated token for a killing machine
Why is he so sad
because he’s a lib
If u think my reddit username is moistnipplemilk ur a psycho
voted against the jews today
NO to marijuana legalization
king david’s herb
If jeff applewood ever sees our site that star of david emote is getting removed from discourse immediately
this ones just sad to me, look at that guys face. hes just tryna fit in and get fitted in
looks like extra autistic 1437 tbh
I’m super attractive and well endowed yet I’m about as far left as possible while still considering humans and animals different creature classes, what gives?
Still wrestling with that one. Might reform and consider us equals.