Official Self Acceptance Thread

This world is not worth living on anymore

You could try dropping a piano on your head

Every year gets worse and worse every holiday I never celebrate no point nobody to live for nothing to live for I’m fucking ready

Why do you fel like garbage

You know it gets better

I don’t know

You kill yourself when you don’t care that it gets better idiot

that’s a lie I’ve been told my entire life the truth is it NEVER gets better and always gets worse

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You used to be a heroin addict what the f*** is wrong with you

wtf you mean

Is your life really not any better than it was when you were a heroin addict

For some select people it really doesn’t but everyone thinks they’re a special case


Why did you say heroin was worse than death

Shoot up again if you’re already at rock bottom

because it’s worse than just dying

why do you think wanting to die makes me want to shoot up are you stupid

why is that a last resort to you

Dude I hear someone blasting the fucking San Andreas theme song outside

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I don’t think it makes you want to shoot up I just think it sounds retarded when you say your life hasn’t gotten better