Path of Exile 2: Chris Wilson wants money to buy more beta tundras

i'm glad you are capable of basic literary analysis and understanding irony

very promising for your future

basically i'm coming to the realization that this website is just 90% of me reading my replies and regretting posting at all

the last redeeming quality this website had passed away one year ago today

expect to see a lot less of me

i wonder why you would ever read your posts and feel regret when you say things like this to people that are financially independent

?? it was a joke

so is lbj bringing up yale

yes i realize the irony, i realized it when i typed it. idc

no, not the way he was doing it. you weren't there.

were you there when nadota was like 70% asians talking about the university they go to

i'm not gonna sit here convincing you that LBJ is a shit human, feel however you want

i'm not the first to say it and I'm not the first person to call him a garbage human

you wanna judge my last 3 weeks of posts over the last oh 14 years i've been a part of this community, go ahead and talk about how ~unstable~ i'm being as if that means i'm somehow not also capable of being right

i'm over it dude

i joined nadota in january 2010

not sure what you think convincing me lbj is a shit person would change about your behavior

just a typical worthless liberal hungry to find any excuses they can to start throwing out the same shit they heard from the most racist guy they found online

what the fuck does being liberal have to do with anything

you accuse me of being political brained but you literally view human beings as their political philosophies it seems?

also i'm not a liberal

i genuinely hbave no idea what ur point is nor do i care

i'm saying he was a shit person TO ME

not in general

you know just rewriting everything i say in the least charitable way isn't an argument nor some type of epic gotcha

are you implying i'm acting this way because of the election? was that something you slipped in there? buddy can you fucking read?

im implying you're a reactionary shithead just like every other reactionary shithead

actually no, strike that, from my perspective it was a little more explicit

im not rewriting anything you just dont agree with how i feel about the things you had to say just log off

lbj has arguably done the most harm to me out of everyone here (dipped out of a rora dnd playgroup after the first game or two, disastrous effect on morale)