Plain Jane - Day 1

You’re scum you admitted it

I did

okay weekend is over i can actualy play

i dont think alightsoul is scum. cmon even he wouldn't claim scum as scum.

i think yns is a little sus for going on the easiest possible lynch here though

Imagine being that mad about being banned for breaking the rules

He 100% would claim as scum, in fact the last game he literally claimed scum day 1. Alightsoul is a lot of things but he isn’t a liar

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is the last game the game where everyone was scum rofl im not sure if thats a great example

you feel like you have an agenda mr possum

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They didn't know there were multiple teams

However he was not in the last game

The one before that he was mafia with me and yns and claimed scum


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was supposed to say did not claim scum

The game before that one I think he claimed scum as town

Three games ago

Possums are so cute

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I'm so fucking tired

I hsve defeated you with my memory and intellect yns

He claims scum 75% of the time as scum

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I will grant you three wishes