Plasma official best thread winner 2024

Crooks was a Libtard.

Think some apologies need to be made in this thread.

Millions of Americans are shocked by these tweets written by a 16 year old.

The posts he was making are more coherent than the libtards in this thread and should be used going forward in evaluating as to which users are threats.

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Talking about "Medicare for all" is like having a knife at someone's throat. Kids in Cages is assembling fissile material for a dirty bomb. These people are insane NPCs that present as normal people but have an internal timer ticking toward conflagration.



Uh-oh Biden Bros.

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Just reads like objective policy analysis to me. Nothing about that stops them from being an anti trump libertarian type other than your perspective being skewed by the majority of libertarians just being ideologically inconsistent republicans.

And for the record, my affiliations already designate me as an enemy of the state

It’s probably really fun to fuck with people on Gab

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Yeah I'm zeroing the scope of my objective policy positions right now.

Have you ever zeroed a scope in real life? I have.

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The Biden Administration is the only administration that has professed an intentionally sincere view on the regulations of interstate commerce....


That's not what a scope looks like.

You guys heard about this?

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You're using the wrong crosshair setting then.

No jokes I sincerely don't think anyone on earth would post shit like this on gab that isn't trolling. If you showed the comments there would probably be three dozen groyper types with stahlhelms telling him to get ready to get sent to a camp when Trump gets reelected.

Sound familiar?

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I've never actually scoped with the railgun in my life.

There is no scope. There's a "zoom" button that dynamically changes the FOV, that's it.

It's literally cg_fov 110 / cg_fov 90

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In quake champions there is a scope.

The bayesian when his model blows up on him: "Bro this was like a 8 sigma event he was a libertarian"

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