Plasma official best thread winner 2024

I was all fired up ready to watch him promise that and then it was just that clip and I'm not gunna lie I felt let down



can we move past that and actually attempt to anslyse what trump was saying or meaning? or are we just gonna focus on my phrasing? jesus

that is not a normal thing to just blurt out, what trump said

yeah. that just sounded like typical trump bravado to me and not so much subliminal messaging about starting the christian theocracy. hell he even said he wasn't a christian there.

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he already attempted to end democracy in 2020 so why is it a stretch?

he sent an armed mob to stop the certification of the vote. he got caught on tape asking georgia to ā€œfind a few more votesā€ for him

I just have a hard time believing Trump has any more calculations than "I'm gunna make this crowd love me"

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he casually lied to half the country about it because it was politically convenient for him

lying that your opponent ā€œstole the voteā€ is already serious enough without the fucking overt violent attempts to stop transfer of power

well Iā€™d say the way he went about 2020 was pretty well thought outā€¦ also he has advisors.

hes an american presidential candidate, he doesnt have to come up with it all himself

Yeah when it came down to the wire he tried to stay in the white house like a spoiled brat. I just don't think his bravado when he's speaking like that is a calculated message that he will end elections. He would definitely attempt something like that when they come to take his toys away, but idk I just don't think that speech was a calculated wink wink.

On god the assassination was attempted by the Japanese

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That shit was not well thought out LMAO come on. It was pathetic. Illegal and dangerous, but he was basically just sitting scared asking his yes-men to do anything to stop the results. Desperate.

ill give you that he literally incited the rethuglican mob on that day, my personal 9/11, but i think they also whipped themselves up into something he never would've predicted based on the involvement of some proud boys and other gangs

I disagree. He got closer than most of you are willing to admit.

They looked bad after the plan failed, as everyone does

sitting scared? he was whipping up a violent mob in downtown D.C

what was he scared of??

Getting taken to court after losing the election lol

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youā€™re all very lucky that certain states refused to manually certify their electors

and what punishment has he even faced? why would he be scared to try again

also lucky he didnt have a different VP

plenty of things went your way last time that there was no guarantee of. you got lucky