that's why I'm the king baby! hell ain't cheap
thank you. victory was obvious but I'm glad you full-stopped the argument for all later readers
and given the lack of response from here, I'd call this a successful day. viva la bonelucion!
The Alpha Pedophile clearly didn’t do the required reading
You people need to get help.
We wished for site activity and the monkeys paw curled
Moderator Announcement
Everything Thomas Sowell says regarding black culture I have already summarized in a few forum posts a year or two ago. It's common sense - he's not that interesting.
Didn’t watch, am posting
Fuck u
Money's just numbers bro you think I give a shit about what any economist pseud had to say about 'em?
Back then you could trade a cow for a mule and you'd both leave happy!
At least the economy is imploding.
Aka Bramladesh with the highest insurance rates in Canada. Diversity is a STRENGTh
JD Vance watches tentacle hentai, anyone that votes for him is a degenerate and the moral equivalent of a bug man.