Plasma official best thread winner 2024

yeah and barack obama

albeit it's a fake Nobel, see if you can figure it out.

every award on that page is fake what u mean

Yeah computational game theory probably wasn't included in your program.

So true

Yes. Imagine if you were one of them and an "alien" to the area. You'd also congregate with the people you can actually communicate with, and they end up being the ones who show you the most support. Even if support is still a racial/tribal construct that doesn't mean it should have to stay that way. That's just being dumb

That said, I still feel like it's easy for me to say that when pretty much everyone I ever deal with in the context of the US "contribute" to the grid. Even if someone was illegal to some extent that I knew, they were still like trying to work and spending money on living etc. You can be non-racist and still think we have a migrant problem

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People can simply have a preference for living around a certain people, and the libtard.

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Sound familiar? Ahahahahaha

dated someone with royal brasil family blood once. she was hella white and riddled with mental illness. nice girl though

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Just wait until my research is finished on the Jones problem.



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right thats why im buying a place near a bunch of dusty french hillbillies in quebec, your point?

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hi lucky, u r a ■■■

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you dont have to be pro immigration to be a leftist

thats very much an American thing

Canada has been importing waaaaaay too many people

we went from 33mill to 40mill in like 7 years

highest rate of immigration per capita IN THE WORLD

while we already have a cost of living/housing crisis

you're supposed to be bigger than 3 ohios its just growing pains. don't you want to be a proper country?

So are you anti-immigration into canada then?

california has more people than you grow up. little baby nation