I do enjoy these Muslims and leftoid white women trying to pretend it’s a gotcha because the stabber wasn’t Muslim this time, just African
Based on his skull I'd say he's Tutsi.
The Tutsis were sometimes even described as 'false negroes', as Europeans with black skin.
This is what he must have meant when he said "Welshman".
You don't have to worry about the UK government doing it because the US government will be doing it in 6 months if Dems are elected again. Peep the twitter video I posted this pillsbury doughboy straight up says "misinformation isn't protected speech under the first amendment" (it is)
Glen correctly points out that the entire Dem field and the entire generation of zoomers genuinely believe this. They don't believe in legal protection of speech that hurts their fee-fees. No self-awareness of the fact that things like "covid was potentially lab-origin" "vaccine isn't actually good for people in their 20s and may introduce unseen risks" and "hunter biden's laptop" (not to mention "election fraud is not a new thing in the US and the CIA has clear formulae for identifying election fraud in other countries which can be applied to the 2020 election") were all considered "misinformation" momentarily but ended up being factual
Glad to have a conservative Supreme Court now. At least somebody still wants to defend & uphold the Constitution
Guy writes three paragraphs of that trite overplayed garbage and then changes "TheAlphaPedophile1" username.
I was mistaken. You do have an enabling community.
Fuck the UK they are done lol. Nothing to say. There will either be a cleansing or the government will turn muslim
they're done because of how brexit was handled and what they have to offer to the world in isolation (always been nothing). you would've voted for it
You mean Brexit was done and then government went and imported even more people when it was mostly tondo with immigration?
You don't understand English society dear man. It is for the elites. They dont care for the working class.
Pakistani Muslim rape gangs have been roaming the UK for like 15+ years now. I've been following Tommy Robinson for like 9 years I think. This she has been happening for a loong time
the issue with that line of rhetoric is i also a problem with it when anglo blokes and lads are raping, and they do
"I've been following an anti-islamic propagandist for a decade. I know what's up regarding their specific target issue"
Yes yes yes you can always do the oh but whites do it as well. Of course. But not at the level that these guys do it at. The stories are fucking horrific. Like hard to even think about.
It's kinda like the whole blacks are 10% of population but commit 50% of the crime jn the states or w.e
After a Syrian refugee boy was assaulted in a school bullying incident in October 2018, Robinson falsely accused the victim of having previously attacked two schoolgirls. The 15-year-old refugee was dragged to the floor by his neck and told by his attacker, "I'll drown you," while water was forced into his mouth. The boy's arm was in a cast after it had been broken in a separate assault.[199] His sister had also been assaulted
wow what an awesome bloke this robinson guy is, and this is just one of his many adventures
as i said, low iq thuggery
Sigh.... Emotional u r very.
He's been talking about the Pakistani Muslim rape gangs for years officials have not done anything about it because wasizm
assaults, attempts to enter the US with false documentation, mortgage fraud
why are you keeping this guys social media income stream going?
So u gonna actually comment and think about the Pakistani Muslim rape gangs who would chain rape young women for hours and days and drug them and rape them more or is it against your programing?
so out of touch brother
Yes who doesnt?