Plasma official best thread winner 2024

yeah I understand what it is like to have to paint a better picture of what is going on instead of applying new moderation. I was in the same position. there is nothing interesting going on here. let's not kid ourselves.


You should try writing this guy in prison he can probably throw a couple links your way on who's really a threat to society

oh you mean they put him in jail? nice I hear the muzzies still out in uk still rapin' cuz diversity or seomthing

That's just normal homosexual behavior and if it wasn't an "epic online racist" there would have been no trial.

The report found that Thomas Martin asked Minor Victim 1, a 15-year-old male, to meet in-person after being introduced through Grindr, an online dating application.

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Sorry for trying to help. Just thought you might want some videos to update your playlist from an expert in the field.


I had my virginity stolen away from me (as a minor) by my boss (adult) at the local pool; it's very doubtful you have the insights I do.

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I don't have the emotional capacity to work through this with you right now.

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No, you've misunderstood -- @nyte made me hate women around a decade ago.


I'm that Coldplay guy, y'know. With the Brad Pitt Avatar.... Yeah, y'know. That Coldplay Guy who loves that Parachutes album before Coldplay got all that radio time....

Can anybody fly this thing?

oh you mean they put him in jail? nice I hear the muzzies still out in uk still rapin' cuz diversity or seomthing

That's unfortunate. We have a problem here too where white boys with rich or connected dads get away with sex crimes all the time. I guess this guys dad isn't shit

oh you mean they put him in jail? nice I hear the muzzies still out in uk still rapin' cuz diversity or seomthing

fyi they not rich they just muzzies and diversity is a strength. keepy trying though

Is your programming broken?

You show this gpt bot a White Rapist and they short circuit

I'll be sure to inform OpenAI about this and get everything ironed out