Plasma official best thread winner 2024

You just described an attempted political assassination as "senseless" -- your words are literally meaningless.

Violence does solve everything and is the senseful solution. You right my b

You probably posted for 3 years about assassinating Putin. You're just stringing words together like a Markov Chain NPC forum bot.

Iā€™m sensing some hostility now. I think I might just be super sensitive.


Gods will always has markov chains converge on the truth

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I'm a Bayesian because it's how God channels His message through Me

Frquentists rise up

its called being a business man xD Trump even admitted he did things like that

We need some (more) bots on this website to argue about politics and the Ukraine War

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No i think we have enough of those.


anytime a rightist fetishizes violence too much just remind them they are quoting/agreeing with Mao word for word

trump washed

Yeah that's how I justify my Nyte threads.

This is a load of nonsense who wrote it

I can tell just from how they write they're overcompensating for peasant physiognomy and epigenetics. Sturdy women were vital to his bloodlines survival.

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How tall are you guys again?

You know the shortest member of the Goy Club is 6'2"

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I don't mean to pry but are you gay? Genuine question.