Plasma official best thread winner 2024

The seuz canal doesn't go through the nile. You drew it wrong.


I should be proud to be part of the chosen (by the US) people as well, I suppose.

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As part of the agreement, the U.S. began economic and military aid to Egypt, and political backing for its subsequent governments. From the Camp David peace accords in 1978 until 2000, the United States has subsidized Egypt's armed forces with over $38 billion worth of aid. Egypt receives about $1.3 billion annually

An nmaGane lecture series on Israeli v Egypt wars and why you as an American are beholden to fund his lifestyle of indie gaming.


The Seuz Canal won't be so important when they come up with Cargo Planes, then Cargo Spaceships.

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Brother you are doomed to dance in your shackles to your Jewish slave masters

Government “contractor” you are a literal glowie and beholden to Jews


Other glowies on the forum: div, Casey, ewiz. You fit right in

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Hopefully you will realize one day that we need to rid the United States of Jewish influence before we can restore this country back to its European roots and remove the right to vote from women

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I have literally no connections to defense or law enforcement and am being financially harmed for that commitment.

Yea that’s what a glowie would say

you'd know eh?

Some of the people on this site are just allergic to being funny or likable in any way.


You're the one projecting - I might not have even meant you.

THIS time

Once the ICC warrant thing is approved I don’t see why my useless figureheads wouldn’t be down. It’s hard to defend the war crimes, the invasion knowing. We can’t afford too many proxy wars



Never thought huber, of all people, would be the one to bring back the "audience" meme in the 2024 Trump vs Harris debate September 10 thread.

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