What if the Israeli was brown? Would you ever hear about it?
I dont support giving them money, I'm just judging the conflict at hand as an outsider
Then you're a r*tard.
go move to russia stop posting at me
You don't know what you're talking about!
im never taking u seriously ever again just stop its not gonna happen
We do a weird amount for Israel -- and Jordan, Egypt, and Ethiopia. I wonder why?
You never hear about the "Jordan Lobby" who gets 80% of what Israel gets every year.
just want u to know im closing the tab now and wont be seeing whatever this is
i wanted you to know that im not reading that for potentially days
Egypt -- isn't that basically a rogue state? I wonder how much we give them every year.
I wonder why we attempt to buyout every nation that could have any impact on shipping through the Suez...
We could take the $3bil in Weapons Transfers that we give to Israel (525bil GDP) and spend it on something better -- like Taiwan.
We could just give it in straight cash to Ethiopia or Somalia (can't give rogue states weapons).
We could dump it in a high vol Solana memecoin.
You're reading that number right: $300 billion dollars over 80 years. Is it too high a price to pay to have your strategic weapons systems in the most valuable place on Earth where there's no other regional powers who can do anything about it? You decide.
If only the Israeli was a brown -- we could just subsidize their exponential population growth.
Really funny to claim acting as "an outsider", implying some degree of impartiality and objectivity, while exclusively giving weight uncritically to the unsubstantiated war-time claims of one side of a conflict.
There's ways to get the protected status of a hospital stripped, you know. Ways that Israel has forever and will forever feel that they are above. Jones simping for Russia doesn't absolve anyone else from being a useful idiot for something else themselves.
If you're launching "tribal rape raids" from your highest-density-on-earth insane-o refugee state you don't have hospitals.
shut up