Plasma official best thread winner 2024

israeli tourist are insanely annoying but i've been told that it's more of a middle eastern/north african thing to be an annoying tourist and not israeli specific so idk.

North african? Yeah that's me.

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Like i'm sorry but these people are a joke. they're actively helping Trump. I'm sick of them.

feelings that don't align with the party orthodoxy and, more importantly, me? honestly frick off you're helping trump

it's fucking election season dude, this shit matters

Trump winning would be a disaster for the entire fucking world, you guys think it's just a domestic issue but it's not you're THE world super power, who runs your country matters

these people are increasing his chance of being elected

fuck. them.

actually they are the ones obsessed with orthodoxy, throwing a tantrum over one issue when Kamala is better in every single conceivable way, EVEN ON THAT SAME ISSUE

theyre stupid

Oh we don't get to have people wearing Hamas and Hezbollah flags speak at the DNC? FUCK KAMALA =(

they're the ones with a fucking orthodoxy problem

Kamala doesn't pass the purity check so not only are they not gonna vote for her, they're throwing a tantrum in public

fucking idiot moron stupid fuckes

It's gonna be a siesta every day when trump gets in. No wars drill baby drill capitalism gonna be great

you're a rube dude

you're getting excited about campaign slogans


I better see some physical Trump trading cards from the maga here or you're fake maga.

I think the speaker they were suggesting speak on behalf of palestine was a very good choice. her speech was vetted and included endorsements of Kamala. I think they were afraid of lobbyist backlash.

I think in the primary it is very important to apply that kind of pressure, but yeah as disgusting as it might seem, anything that hurts Kamala's chances in the general election is against the interest of those that actually want a ceasefire. Gotta lib it up.

I think tourists from anywhere that travel in groups of 3 or more are annoying. People always behave like they are in their own little world when in a group in a foreign country.

But if I had to choose, Chinese tourists are by far the worst. Because they are the biggest groups. TBH every negative stereotype of Americans is 10x true for Chinese tourists.

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Why are we aiding the UK this much


Ultra Orthodox Jews are anti Zionist. Over half the citizens don’t want the war to happen. You’re letting a few bad apples spoil the Jewish bunch

To be fair to yns, I think Oct. 7th and seeing how the more anti-semitic groups reacted probably moved many Jews to be more pro-Israel since. Especially with the media coverage of it. But yns didn't live there after Oct. 7th so whatever.

i want to believe

Yeah we need a ceasefire so Kamala can win -- nevermind the fact that it doesn't benefit Israel or Iran and thus can't happen.