Plasma official best thread winner 2024

to put this another way: a woman might be more willing to sacrifice her life for her children or family, and a man might be more willing to sacrifice his life for himself - not living up to his own ideas of worth and image and purpose.

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women don't sacrifice anything anymore, we're in 2024 women don't have children or families. you're a grown woman where's your children/family?

you speak in these hypotheticals like its the 1950s when the reality is the nuclear family has been destroyed and probably only a slim minority of people have a wife and children going into their 30s. women don't do shit nowadays except chase their dreams and their dreams have been told to them to do anything but have children and start a family with a man.

keep in mind a father will be far more likely to support his daughter even into her 30s than he will be to support a man into even his mid 20s. and this is our current generation, plenty of women living off daddies money or help and its not even considered weird to be doing so, as man if you are still living off your parents past college age you are considered a failure. Why would a woman settle down with a man who will provide for her with the only expectation being that she be a mother to his children when she can just live off her father and work odd jobs or go to masters programs for dumb shit all in the name of chasing "her dreams"

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It's ok you live in the golden age for women right now where pussy worship is at an all time high, I predict, probably towards the end of our lives, that women will just not have the option to do careers or "chase dreams" and will instead be heavily pushed into becoming wives and child bearers. Once everyone who wants to immigrate comes into the country and their birth rates collapse there will be no other option, either allow a complete population/economic collapse and everything that comes with it, or just stop letting women do whatever dumb shit they want

get a grip brother

nuclear family doesn't have to exist - in a strict sense or otherwise - in order for women to still give their lives to their children and family, predominantly. you can work/have a career and still be expected and motivated to provide in the homemaking or managing sense. the reality of MOST families are such that men can work and come home and still interact, or be expected to "care", very little with the day to day shit involved with rearing children. women always have been expected (and i believe are more motivated) to do such things. doesn't matter if mom works or not.

You never hear about dead-beat moms

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Blocked him from my mind-space wherever he exists

I didn't become more conservative on twitter and don't use twitter today

I joined during the craziness of 2020 BLM and NADota Sexism Thread era during which Nyte was moderator (longhouse was in full effect) and I was wrongly banned here.

I found a community of people there that was OK saying things like "it's bad to burn down all the businesses in this community and has nothing to do with the struggle of black people" or like "anarchist loser takeovers of cities like portland are cringe and destined for failure"

Or like "'mostly peaceful protest' is gaslighting nonsense"

So yea I think I found validation for things I already felt and believed but was getting intellectually outcast and castrated for at the time. Which ended up being true later because I am almost never wrong about anything.

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Just an unapologetic "Classical Liberal" f*ggot. "I joined in 2020".

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If you're proud of being on twitter since "le old days" you're the ■■■■■■ here

Are you fucking Chinese? You're literally saying you found a home with the Chinese.

Yeah the existing community I belonged to were the type to grovel for black people when they chimped out, but now I'm hanging around a high functioning group of anti-affirmative action anonymous Chinese Americans.

What, did you join Moms for Liberty or something?

Yeah, I was a Richard Hanania Reply Guy before he stopped race-baiting and started talking about "elite human capital" xXx Kamala Harris. That's what I'm imagining here.

alightsoul is probably chinese


You found a community on Twitter after the DHS-lackeys at Twitter purged everyone with a tepid opinion off the website? When it was ran by CIA flunky DEI hires?

He said he's lactose intolerant; his personality is too bad, objectively, for him to be white.

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Our first asian moderator and we hadn't been celebrating this achievement at all. We're so racist.

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