Plasma official best thread winner 2024

good ur not an English colony ya'll said nah B. just Jose's

Name gun

haha I doubt that very much

you're a brainbroken reactionary if you think the 'trans agenda' is any threat to you or your way of life

saying trans people are people is gaslighting to you?

when you put that the statement before?

like what the fuck do you mean bro

and he absolutely supports trans rights and all those policies you think are an actual threat to you and your way of life (they're not, you're being manipulated by right wing thinktanks as to which issues are most likely to get an emotional response to you, then claiming that the "enemy" wants to do ALLLLL of these things)

what does this even mean to you? it could mean anything. some people call the Nazi party leftist. it's meaningless in this context.

you're a literal MAGA cultist, one of the few left who still believes in the great lie in 2024. trying to prop up JAGMEET SINGH who is way more left leaning than Kamala as a "normal guy" who "you'd vote for" on the basis that he's,,, not pro-trans? unlike the craaaaazy Kamala Harris?

you're so embarrassing dude

why would you have a problem with them getting citizenship of all things? this makes it much harder to use them as cheap labour to out-compete Americans in America

I think your idea that the democrat party 'hates whites' and is a threat to you is just woefully wrong

it's literally based on propaganda and fear mongering, no fucking democrat politician is saying they're going to do any of the stuff

but anyway the whole conversation is pointless because when ■■■ asked you to elaborate you wouldn't

just an insane thing to believe, really.

the biggest problem here is not people becoming citizens and joining the labour pool, it's fucking an infinite never ending cycle of termporary foreign workers. having them become citizens is what you WANT.

having them stay illegal, undoccumented, etc. that's what hurts you. but you hear about an initiative to help current illegals gain citizenship and turn it into a dystoptian fiction in your head or something

either through a temporary foreign worker program, a large amount of undoccumented people, whatever you want to call it, companies can treat what are supposed to be American workers like trash, it's just bad for EVERYBODY

having people becoming politically involved citizens GREATLY increases the chance they'll report mistreatment, corrupt business practices, whatever. vs staying silent

it just seems insane to me for the USA to want to close off its borders when it's the most successful country ever built using immigration, LARGE WAVES of immigration over and over and over

first you have the Germans/Eastern Europeans, the Russians, The Italians, the Jews, a huge amount of the people that built up postwar America were immigrants.

and yes, in the post 9/11 movement, loads of Mexicans and South Americans. They're part of the reason you guys have been successful this century, not your enemy. Just like other waves of immigration drove the economy in the past. your economic system benefits from immigration, simple as.

it's an economic system that seems to be work best/be based on the concept of infinite growth, since things like "market confidence" play an unreasonably large role in if rich wealth owners want to spend and invest that wealth or not

if the line stops going up, everybody panicks, things collapse, so.. you just need immigrants for that to work. no other solution in my mind.

and I don't agree that the democrats OR the left as a whole are anti-white

how many of those "large, important donors" that got Joe Biden to drop out are white?

It's a bunch of rich white guys in a trench coat, supporting both parties.

i'm not trying to imply you're stupid or don't understand any of these things, it's just the easiest way for me to make a coherent point if I explain everything fully.

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@big_ass basically just described himself as a one issue voter whose one issue is that nobody 'gaslight' him with the idea that trans people are real people and not an elaborate hoax to weaken the white race and western society or whatever whack bullshit you believe

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no you fucking wouldn't lmao

you care about reparations for native people? i doubt it

you care about stronger trade unions? maybe a little, i doubt it moves the needle for you

you care about harsh laws cracking down on logging and fishing companies that are over polluting? you'd probably see that as anti-freedom and over governance

he describes himself as a feminist

those were like his three biggest issues in 2016

i doubt there's a SINGLE thing about him you'd like

but when pressed you just post your typical vague evasive shit, and vague allude to your heart of gold and then fuck off for 100 posts

i mean you pretty much are admitting here that you'll vote for a charlatan because he's openly racist and you think that somehow protects your future interests

it's just disappointing

people who write textbooks about "how does fascism happen" would pretty much describe you as the ideal supporter

all your problems - real problems - are blamed on some nebulous outside force, or traitors within, or a combination of both, and it's just so fucken transparent

Donald Trump doesn't give a fuck about the white race bro, he'd sell every last white person on Earth out in a heartbeat if it benefitted him. He has no political interests but himself.

asoul i have no expectations for, you are genuinely smarter than this

you wrote this as if the NDP are actually governing the country, and the Liberals are just their little pet friends. it's literally the opposite.

they only supported the Liberals to oust people like Harper

they have by far the least seats of the big 3 parties and have for as long as I've been alive.

he's exercising the one little bit of political power he has, to put pressure on the coalition internally to support policy more in line with the NDP

as he should be doing, as those are his constituents.

cope and seethe

this the type of 'gaslighting' you were referring to dawg?

I personally don't like Singh even though I voted for him. I think he's an ineffective leader (of a party I do very much support)

My Aunt met him in person once and has a huge crush on him. It's so embarassing.

Didnt read any of that

On track to hitting Obama 08 numbers. This is democracy manifest