Plasma official best thread winner 2024


Really egregious

I dont care about the part where he was going out and doing stuff I care about the part at the end where he's talking about essentially coercing/manipulating the people who dont want to get vaccinated

specifically because education has zero chance of changing their mind, he glossed over it but I think that's important

in a perfect world he wouldnt have to do anything more than educate and let people make their own decisions

and in theory I agree with him

was it fully necessary in this case? maybe not

but its not hard to imagine a scenario where it would be, and in that case you kinda need an effective way of making people do.. whatever the thing is you need them to

if you're going to have cities with tens of millions of people all living together, this is just part of what's necessary (being able to control people if needed)

this is why rural living is the best

the idea of this specific guy having wild sex parties while everyone is stuck in their appts is pretty funny though

turning an empty wall st. bank into a rave sounds fun as fuck, i would do the same

I don't vote or pay taxes for a government that controls and manipulates me

You can make the same argument in favor of the government lying about WMDs in the middle east, for example. (Take your pick of the series of lies over 20 years about wmds, chemical weapons, or other reasons to start wars in Iraq and Afghanistan)

The truth is that believing in the cause (public health) doesn't justify an action that is wrong (manipulating and lying to the public you are supposed to serve)

And if anything weakens the cause because now half the country doesn't believe in public health lol. Vaccine hesitancy went from a fringe hippie ■■■■■■ position to mainstream conservative/healthy person in your 20s opinion

still unvaxxed

still bought a fake covid card and never got vaxxed

I thought you sold fake covid cards.

No not really I knew a guy with a stack of them from a pharmacy that he stole and they were already filled out minus the name and maybe the date but I don’t remember exactly. I hooked some people up to buy some but I didn’t really sell them myself

Yes you do. And thank god for that.


Updated my state of residence just in time to vote in a more competitive race. This is how we save democracy.

You can't be trad and anti-illiterate. Pick a lane, read your history. Read your bible and don't let any other book lead you astray.

I remember the first and last time I ever went to a Muslim sermon or w.e you call it was in Windsor uni right on the other side of Detroit.

The imam was rattling off pages and numbers and verses. I was sitting there thinking, this guy has to be lying it's too quick what he's reciting. Wanted to say something but I didn't.

At the end of it he was like I lied you see how easy it is to deceive you. Something along those lines.

So many people are illiterate from the third world Muslim areas that they will believe w.e they are told.

Christians in the "developed" countries are just as easily manipulated and dumb. American mega-churches are hosts to millions of absolute suckers.

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Plant some seeds of success by giving me money! God wants that!

And then they do it lmao to the tune of millions. Complete rubes.

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Are mega church pastors the og streamers re: taking advantage of para social relationships to make big dough?