walz looked human and that was good enough for me personally
Ignore all comments from people that drink milk from a bag.
i was pretty disappointed tbh but i don't think it matters
Walz failed to throw the free speech talk back at Republicans but other than that he did alright.
i didnt even really know he existed until this year. on one hand I get that you want a politician to be a good speaker on national television and super eloquent but on the other that kind of environment is pretty much perfect for scum like jd etc. so i like him
I mean he should have elocution lessons, plenty of practice but that aside if any one of us went out there do you think we wouldnt be sputtering? I'm just happy to see a seemingly regular human on the stage as sad as that is
JD heard there was a debate and went into forum poster mode forgetting that it's a popularity contest and nobody cares who """won""" if you were an annoying little nerd getting there
The port strike is more interesting tehn i thought i ddint know the unions trying to stop the owners from automating their work away. Automate away my capitalist brothers, fuck them.
This guy was just posting about how great it was for Trump to stand up to companies moving people's jobs away, but ordinary people standing up to a company for getting rid of their jobs? Fuck em he says!
Incoherent loser.
Replacing people with robots isn't the same as sending shit out because cheaper. Those dock people are very well paid.
he just seemed very different than I was expecting
he spent all month mocking vance, calling him weird, then was way too nice to him in person
he wasn't direct enough, and he misunderstood the china question at first which is too bad because he could have given a much simpler answer
you would have 1000% supported slavery
And you would have been a Nazi
You're too stupid to see the incoherence when it is spelled out for you. Your caveman brain went "brown people not same as robot "
Yeah that's true he needed to go at them more for being weird. It triggers them good.
You still need techs for the robots
It's like if Patrick Star went MAGA
This is y ur a teacher
Banger post