poll thread

you posted without responding to my poll pretty rude my dude

I just skip to the bottom soz


my man

I’ve made it very clear how lazy I am

Have you, in living memory, pooped your pants?
  • yes
  • no

0 voters

Sooner or later, everyone sharts.

1 Like

Out of the 7 voters in that poll we have 1 liar

it says in memory and i have dementia

1 Like

How could you forget something like that?

I forget many things ill update the poll when it happens


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  • How Does Your Dick Bend?
    [/poll][poll name=poll2 type=regular results=always chartType=bar]
  • Straight up
  • To the left
  • To the right
  • Curves upward
  • None of the above

0 voters

Man I suck at this poll thing.

1 Like

my dick looks like a porn dick and it always made me feel comfortable about it

didnt rly realize ppl had this issue




k y l e

  • yes
  • no

0 voters

Ur the gay

1 Like

can u vote sheesh
