Are you trying to imply I'm in a hurry because I'm town that wants to end the game or I'm in a hurry because I'm mafia who wants to lose quickly?
The answer is you're just looking for an excuse to squirm. Keep struggling.
ill just be leaving my vote here and check back later xoxo
Haha. Nice.
Given the host mentioned you can't ask to tango multiple ppl I think nyte asks me to tango someone and I agree and then we lynch the survivor if the person we shoot is town.
So @Nyte please ask for my hand in this last dance.
I just got home haven't reread everything yet
I do think its ironstove
Something interesting is that I also thought it was ironstove yesterday and said that so if he is scum he should've killed me in the night.
So now I don't think it's ironstove.
Ironstove rushed the hammer when I clearly said I needed to get home and reread the thread
But Nyte was also mega pressuring everyone to do that (which was totally unnecessary btw)
I think as scum ironstove needs to show up and push me at start of this day because I am obviously going to push him today
This follows the rule of threes, embed one scum in a list with 2 towns, very common when bussing or distancing from a teammate
Ironstove's first mention of SOPHIE on day 1
This is pretty funny actually. Either he's 100% spot on from start of day 1 or he's mafia
That read is before sophie even posted too.
Dan enters immediately after this and I immediately challenge his stove read which I think I had felt was forced
Reading day 2 and considering Nyte again. It is extremely interesting that Nyte didn't try to fight with me, tunnel me, call me names / hurt my feeligns this game given that is basically all she's done in the past 5 years of games
That's honestly the biggest mark against her this game
are you sure this is how you want to rest your effort this day?
i believe we have a big ass problem
Wanna shoot him? Tango with me to shoot big ass or lumerimeme
One of these two is scum
I had something I needed finish working on, something much more important than allowing this man to try and wipe the blood off his hands onto me
Nyte immediately tunnels me after I say her towntell is tunneling me
yes, the only thing that could possibly happen this day with the two of you in it is happening. this is true.