Professional (Employed) Dota Players: PT. 1

i am incredibly coordinated

Nice! You should try dance

you must be of some different culture

are you of southern european background?

Why is everyone always trying to see my dick on this site

i dont even know what a penis looks like

Impressive. Let's see Ethan Jone​s's cock

notjones what was your favorite childrens movie growing up

I think I'd rather just go to the pool dude.

Benny is going to a festival in spain this week.

how is his mental health?

I've considered "dancing" and based upon what I'm seeing on facebook images I think you are making claims that the local "latin" scene would not be able to back up.

Dont do the "lesson" ones, do the ones where it's like a 1 hr lesson and then a social dance that runs for a few hours

The local latin scene is all asians

Which is fine for me because as this forum knows, I love Asian women.

I'm just seeing women I could already hang out with if I wanted (being a unemployed person who lives in his mom's basement). I don't really want to dance with them.

The dancing is the point. The point is not to hang out with women. Women do not have anything interesting to say with their mouths - only with their bodies.

Not saying that in a sexist way or in a way that refers to sex. We are talking about dance here

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My body isn't sculpted for dancing.