I turned my head sideways and I was able to read it. Not a very user-friendly experience as I had to turn my head back upright to type out this post
Works on my head.
Why did one of the posts just get deleted?
psychotic admin abuse.
You should probably support me for mod if you want these things to change
Not to be rude but can you please shut the fuck up
Yep that one made legitimately sad
Okay this movie was beyond fucked up.
I'm glad i didn't watch this with a woman.
We get a whole bunch of new gays, who's this one?
@CulturedUrbanite , @You_lose_i_win :
@KurokyFan_2015 uninstalled DoTA 2 to play FF14 full time tonight, after chain-griefing a series of 5 games in a row.
This was his last play before Griefing (afking) the final game, he was very furious that we decided to go on the VS instead of the CM:
After non-stop flaming the Warlock in this game (unjustifiably so), he finally decided that DoTA 2 is not for him.
Can any of the Dota Players on this forum help us? Who should Storm (@KurokyFan_2015) go on here? Void Spirit or Crystal Maiden?
I'm glad chris straight up griefed your shitty dota games. He'll just come crawling back in a week anyway since you'll be ready to suck him off
This makes no sense. He should've killed the Void Spirit.
You're not wrong but you still had 1 q+e in you, certainly enough for cm
I was Marci. My E was on cooldown for 30+ seconds and my Q was on 3 second CD when I went to the trees to try to find Void.
maybe it was Q+W, my b. that's the combo though right?
Yes I suppose. I just tried to find the Void as I knew CM was dead anyway.