At worst my iron forehead striking the ground bores a hole to a maintence tunnel paving our escape
I got a 2/18 on the poetry part of my practice GED test does that mean I’m autisitc
That shit makes no fucking sense how am i supposed to know the main idea of the poem if it never fucking tells me
[quote]В этот день голубых медведей,
Пробежавших по тихим ресницам,
Я провижу за синей водой
В чаше глаз приказанье проснуться.
На серебряной ложке протянутых глаз
Мне протянуто море и на нем буревестник;
И к шумящему морю, вижу, птичая Русь
Меж ресниц пролетит неизвестных.
Но моряной любес опрокинут
Чей-то парус в воде кругло-синей,
Но зато в безнадежное канут
Первый гром и путь дальше весенний.[/quote]
Like this shit actually makes no sense
can you add me to the title
Ur only ironically a gross person but ur definitely a bad person like name someone whose life has been improved by having u in it u know
U lived away from home one time and got kicked out despite him eating ur food and u not trying to fuck things up for example
jdance has improved my life he is an honest friend who i can count on
Mad gay bro
n-no homo
Do u guys know about the other streamer girl he gave all his dropout student loans to
Or the one whose picture his dad found on the floor when Matt thought the printer didn’t print it
And the morherfucker says I’m too pathetic to ever associate with ever when I get in a half year phase of lost in drugs
Eat shit faggot
I’m still just on a drug binge though for sure lol
Pokimane cum tributes while frowned upon technically not illegal
He just looked at you and asked what it was right
No he left it in my room on the chair and never said anything else
And the motherfucker would have put you up rent free forever kept paying ur car forever and u never actually showed him any legitimate respect
Regardless of getting a job and paying shit ud only ever call him a retard