Quitting this forum until deepthroat, yns, div, LBJ, I’m King sized mattress for a bitch made mgtow and agubar quit the forum or are banned or are silenced. Or are killeda pedo amaplus sized 🇻🇮 birgen

You made bees a mod? Are you retarded?

No I didn’t?

His posts were actually becoming pretty good and you had to go and ruin him… just like you did for huber

Goin to the gym with 3 work buds 2nite

Make sure you bench deadlift and squat.
always aim to be strong.

I’m not convinced @REFPSI is as stupid as the IQ tests say.

dota 2 is my iq test.

Dan’s idea for making a site to revive the shitty website that died is putting it on a worse forum software and adding all the people whom were responsible for its death to the mod team

Universe dark seer btw

U are out of ur mind if I’m doing more than 5 mins worth of mod work each week, I did my tenure already

So why mod you to begin with

Modding gives people bad attitudes and creates opportunities for them to be dicks to random people when the dogpiling starts

Diversity quotas

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I think if a poster is starting to be tolerable again the last thing you want to do is make him mod so he starts posting stuff like “ahh i need my power kick” and renaming jdance threads to illegible nonsense

this is a good thread title

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You can rename threads as a lv3 user of which I was before being a mod


you might find these helpful

Lol im mostly shitting around but you make a good point asoul

So I will revoke le Huber so he may make good posts again

I think bees will continue to make enjoyable posts

This site is going to fold.

Shut up