Rate Users By How Gay They Are

More ■■■■ then I thought

What are you guys on the Kinsey scale?

Useless scale/quiz. No way I'm 100% straight. Zero questions about my ass


I don't think making you attracted to your own ass makes you gay but instead a narcissist


Narcissistic man = a man loving a man

I rest my case!


Nah ur opinions r pretty gay though


I would say u guys have more than incidental homosexual tendencies.

Tell that to the kinsey scale

gay scale

It can’t be restored we tried

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im probs a 1-2

I'm a 0.

What about when you showered praise on that guy’s physique at Shōjō-Boston the Wednesday night after the OG match? Was there absolutely no hint of homosocial attraction in that exchange, or was it all just a cosmic coincidence?

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That was appreciation of his aesthetic form from a purely non-sexual perspective, as evidenced by my use of the words "no homo ofc." You can read about this sort of thing in Sun and Steel - the male body is meant to be admired by other men, not in a romantic way, but as a monument to the achievement that hard work and dedication can create.

That man's body was a true inspiration to all of us - I know you felt it too. And anyone here who was there that day would feel and do the same.

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Adding no homo makes it worse. You sound guilty

A zero would feel no guilt, no shame. Just vibes

I don't feel guilt. Adding no homo makes it a 0

It's literally in the definition of the words. No homo.

It should go without saying, unless you're guilty. Scared of the self. Neither of us should have any question about it, but the manner of speaking itself on the matter raises them.

We support you.

Def gay

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