Constipated or pmsing is also a potential answer
its actually death wish, she wishes for death vengeance
Do you think she has it in her to take someones life?
life and death are the same and she serves them both.
so, yes
I dont think life and death are the same. Ask a necrophilliac if they are and you might learn a thing or two
death is serving the necrophiliac just the same as life and thus you are wrong, idiot
Death is so terribly final, while life is full of possibilities
That was really mean
is this where we are to infer that you are the necrophiliac? because it's really mean to be a necrophiliac prove me wrong
I was merely attempting to use an extreme example to show the merit in my argument
If anything you are projecting by calling me a necrophilliac
limited brain
Stay on topic please
Its literally my thread
I was talking to Nyte
I was talking to the OP
Asoul isnt going to fuck you dude
i hope this means you're going to fuck him
Yeah youd like thar
why, yes
i would