Signaled [Day 2]

so seth is supposed to show up? what does that even mean

@mafiabot vote @Matticus

the relationships between you epok and jdance are driving me crazy

@mafiabot unvote

Definitely voting you if you vote me. You're scum.

you scared me

It should if you're town since I'm town.

you don't look town voting me with 3 people to choose from including the person i'm voting. the fact that you voted me when i'm the one even present in the thread is so scummy its hard to view you as town

Whatever. Get over it. Who do we vote or do we lose?

thanks trump

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@mafiabot how did nobody else even show up

@mafiabot unlynch

@mafiabot vc

Vote Count

Lynch Votes Voters
nyte 1 SOPHIE
matticus 1 Seth
tywin 1 Matticus
sophie 1 bazingaboy

Not Voting

Nyte, Tywin,

Alive Players - 6

Majority Vote - 4


@mafiabot vote @SOPHIE

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@mafiabot vote @Nyte

Bazinga just disappears.

I think he just considered the game ruined and was town so he just didnt care

you are so scum

How is it ruined? He's usually more active.