Signaled [FINALE]


are you saying you don't know who seth is? just want to know for the record


He's just straight up lying.


Do your people like sheryl crow? Im currently enjoying a song of hers.

No they do not

Iā€™m not you.

Didnt mean to offend. Ill change the song. Sorry

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sophie "i don't know who seth is;i am not a liar" admin epok


Ok I admit, seth was my puppet account but I was too bad and lost anyway. I will try it again the next game. I need all the help I can get.

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I am Spartacus.

I'm being manipulative?

Bitch I typed 5000 words explaining to you exactly the situation and you still pinging the admin for him to tell you the same thing

We don't know who it is, we aren't involved, and we aren't investigating as he has a right to his privacy like the rest of us and isn't doing anything wrong. People's location is protected info - matticus telling you that about seth is basically doxxing.

All we are saying is based on the info we have he isn't clearly one of the people we all have interacted with recently here pretending to be a new person. Maybe he's some former NADota poster or obscure goy club, we don't know and don't care, it's not the business of the mods to investigate every user and turn over all their past infractions to the website's nosy users.

That changes if he decides (or some wayward admin decides) he should be immediately added to the lounge (Where it is relevant who is on the account and what he's up to on the site)

Lastly I do have a pretty good idea who it is based on searching my memory and thinking there was somebody called "Seth" on the old NaDota but I'm not likely to share that with you. Because it's not your business

its marski

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Idk who that is so I stand by my initial statements

What if its Kkona?


reynad died in 2016.

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Shit. I guess The Bazaar is never coming out.

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@mafiabot vote @Vanilla_Town

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