Signaled [Game Thread]

see you in the graveyard chat.

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games over pack it up

I don't blame you for doubting me, so here's proof.


best. game. ever!!

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Another game ruined by goys…

I get wanting to be a bad actor but you don’t have to go for the raspberry

@theodore ruined this game.


An inkling

Are you checking IPs again? Who is seth?

"Mafia reads" don't include the users' personal doxx btw.

Your not funny.

I'm not joking. I have no idea who Seth is, I superblocked him day 1 so I haven't been able to read any of his posts but you've been insinuating he's a "Goy" somehow.

Being girl isn't easier than being a boy nor harder. As a boy they get alot of freedom and also big responsibility, while being a girl we always never good enough and we got alot of restriction and responsible either.... Yeah live is hard but keep going is the best

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@mafiabot vc

Vote Count

Lynch Votes Voters
dondi_fontaine_houwk 2 bazingaboy, Tywin
sophie 2 Vanilla_Town, Seth
seth 1 SOPHIE
tywin 1 Dondi_Fontaine_Houwk

Not Voting

Nyte, Matticus,

Alive Players - 8

Majority Vote - 5


signal me just fucking signal me

@mafiabot lynch @Vanilla_Town

Here's your attention.


Tanks. Hope you’re having a good night.