slowdive thread~

Oh yeah? well so do I

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I imagine your hatred is even more justified than mine. I only hope my hatred burns almost as bright as yours komrad

this took me 3 hours in phostoshop

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This kid who smoked me out (and has numerous times) and gave me free weed just talks and talks and talks and I donā€™t understand how the fuck to keep up with it while iā€™m high or make it stop i just end up feeling bad

maybe itā€™s because weed is making you even more socially retarded

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It doesnā€™t help that itā€™s usually a thirty minute monologue to me about one thing thatā€™s happening

cocteau twins truly were a magical gift. i appreciate them to the utmost degree

The first time I met the drug houseā€™s weed enthusiast he wouldnā€™t stop talking about how a girl dog can get double teamed for the puppies to have two genetic fathers

oh dear

Iā€™m not sure thatā€™s exactly how semen competition works

Obviously the two competing sperms merge into one, to create an entirely new being. Donā€™t u know weed dealer biology

Weed enthusiast. Donā€™t assume the man he met at the drug house was an able bodied entrepreneur.

He actually relapsed on coke and went out of contact with everyone until the day before I left

Some stories about him are actually things I donā€™t wanna repeat and reasons I felt like I had to get out of there

Never got as disturbed as I did hearing about him

no you can leave out the really bad stuff, Iā€™m not that much of an asshole

in fact iā€™m quite sure thats enough lol

Or not continue because Iā€™ve gotten the gist his brain was fried