Spooky Mafia Day 2

My game went 4 hours and I drew

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four hours for one chess game?

If you don't use all your time you're not really playing

was really busy yesterday ill reread day 1 after work and see if i have a better target

@mafiabot vc

Vote Count

Lynch Votes Voters
luckyartist 3 insom, bazingaboy, ian
insom 1 LuckyArtist
matticus 1 Roragok
roragok 1 Matticus

Not Voting

osiris, KrazyKat,

Alive Players - 8

Majority Vote - 5



Thoughts on game?

Rora shows apprehension about voting Lucky

But demonstrates zero thoughts about possible alternatives -- just clearing more players and a null read on kkat.

And your play on D1 had plenty of similarities to scum games I've played with you. If you are town I'm not sure how I'm supposed to tell them apart.

You are the only one actually playing the game and though your read on me is wrong as always I can respect that

I’ve said what I needed to say

Okay fine, I'll look at the game from your POV. The issue my POV already has too many scum so while I've seen other problems I just can't get that paranoid at this stage when my list is full.

Generating paranoia, softening up osiris for later.

Bandwagoning so he's not culpable if vote goes wrong

Overreaction? He's in no danger. Needs an excuse to put his vote on you.

Interestingly, Rora is thinking about insom but left him out of his reads list

Guys lucky has given up


that's all he's said. remember d1 when he called us idiots for voting him? That's cause he knew we were all town, since he's MAFIA. He didnt suspect a single one of us for doing that

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you are straight up lying but slay queen

How so

But I'm def a bag of dicks this day just been out all last night and today. I still think lbj my too from yesterday left. I just didn't want to put him at hammer range early.

embellishing maybe

top even