Spooky Mafia Day 2

@mafiabot vote insom

Still feel the same.
Anyone want to change my mind?

They’re voting each other

yea but i dont see rora's angle

kkat bazinga matti are my top townreads by a large margin

i dont see a world where kyle got bussed day one tbh

How do you even read Ian this game. He's either afk scum or not, that's all there is to it.

His vote on day one was not on kyle. That's about it.
Not much of a read I know.

I already explained how that makes literally no sense

yea im just reaffirming that

this was the post that keyed me onto lbj as scum. maybe he was just trying to be a nice guy but mafia is no place for niceguynates.

it's between insom and lbj today i think. rora and ian are just whatever

@mafiabot vc

Vote Count

Lynch Votes Voters
luckyartist 3 insom, bazingaboy, ian
insom 2 osiris, LuckyArtist
roragok 1 Matticus
matticus 1 Roragok

Not Voting


Alive Players - 8

Majority Vote - 5


@KrazyKat if you had to kill one right now which would it be?

@ian if you're scum im going to curse your dd run with pig vomit everywhere

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Started another one with higher difficulty and I can't tell what's harder about it and I don't think that's going to end up being a good thing

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But back to this game:

I'm so over Matt. I don't think he's scum but I'm so triggered

@mafiabot lynch @luckyartist